Three-month professional tailor-made program that serves a selected group from the Michal Sela Safe@Home Hackathon of early stage startups, eradicating violence against women with technology.
The program provides lectures and workshops led by professionals; mentoring and personal accompaniment; a promotional video for each venture; cross-sector collaborations; networking to the right people and best practices each team need to grow and scale. The Michal Sela Forum, in collaboration with Google for Startups, invites entrepreneurs to develop technologies to keep women safe by participating in the Michal Sela Startup Academy. Through this elite, tailor-made program, each team receives a focused response to their professional needs in order to develop their entrepreneurships. The Academy provides lectures and workshops led by professionals, mentoring and personal accompaniment, a promotional video for each venture, cross-sector collaboration, and more. Academy alumni are invited to join the Michal Sela Rooftop Community to continue receiving support and mentoring. The Michal Sela Rooftop Community is the next step towards realizing the vision of the Michal Sela Forum: to save lives through creating a new ecosystem of startups and technological ideas to prevent and combat domestic violence.
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